Actify Ortho Drill (Sold 3 per pack)
$129.15 $116.24
Strauss Diamond is proud to present the Actify, our newest product for advanced orthodontic treatments.
The Actify is a drill that uses the body’s own natural biological responses to greatly increase the rate at which patients’ teeth can move into new positions.
Strauss Diamond is proud to present the Actify, our newest product for advanced orthodontic treatments.
The Actify is a drill that uses the body’s own natural biological responses to greatly increase the rate at which patients’ teeth can move into new positions.
When teeth are shifted during orthodontic procedures, specialized cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts go to work remodeling the patient’s bone structure, laying down new bone where needed and reabsorbing it where it is no longer necessary. The Actify works by taking advantage of proteins called cytokines that regulate these processes. The presence of higher levels of cytokines can greatly increase the rate at which bone remodeling can proceed. One way to increase cytokine levels is to create localized inflammation that sends more blood – and more cytokines – to an area where a tooth is being moved. In order to trigger this response,
The Actify is used to create small perforations between teeth where accelerated movement is desired, moving through the gingeva and cortical plate and into the cancellous bone. These micro-osteo perforations stimulate an inflammatory response that helps to accelerate tooth movement beyond what would be possible using ordinary techniques.
The Actify can be used with any orthodontic appliance, whether fixed or removable, to treat a variety of malocclusions including tilted molars, rotations, intrusions, extrusions, and spaces. It can be initiated for patients about to begin orthodontic treatment as well as those who are already actively in treatment.
Using the Actify is simple. To begin, use both manual palpation and the radiograph to evaluate the treatment area for root inclination and anatomical landmarks. This will enable you to determine the best location to make micro-osteo perforations with the Actify. As a general rule, the buccal surface is the easiest and most accessible location for treatment with the Actify. Wherever clinically possible, you should aim to make three perforations mesial and distal to each tooth being treated, though one or two perforations are acceptable where three are anatomically impossible. Depending on root proximity, these perforations can be made in either a triangular or a linear pattern. The greatest effects of treatment with the Actify will occur within a 8-10mm radius of the treatment area, or roughly the span of one and a half teeth in either direction.
Once you are ready to begin the procedure, have the patient rinse two times with chlorhexidine. Each rinse should last for one minute. Next, anesthetize the patient using either compounded topical anesthetic or local infiltration. For this procedure, there is no reason to perform a nerve block.
Once the patient has been anesthetized, adjust the Actify driver to 35-80 Rpms. To start the process of the micro osteo-perforation, simply penetrate the Actify drill into the desired depths until it has crossed through the cortical plate and into the cancellous bone. You will feel resistance diminish when the leading edge of the Actify has passed through the cortical plate. Stop and press reverse on the Actify driver. Assure that you have penetrated the cortical plate by very gently applying backward resistance.
Micro-osteo perforations enable patients to experience faster and more predictable tooth movements, with typical patients needing only one treatment to achieve desired results. However, additional applications may be made every 6 to 8 weeks to maximize the stimulation of cytokine and bone remodeling activity.
After receiving treatments with the Actify, patients may resume their normal routines without any special restrictions on diet or activity. However, patients who experience discomfort following treatment with the Actify should avoid using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, Advil, or Aleve. The only pain medication approved for use after the Actify treatment is acetaminophen.
Immediately following the procedure, minor bleeding may occur in some patients. In these cases, simply apply pressure with gauze for 30 seconds. If a root is inadvertently perforated during treatment with the Actify, studies show that it is likely to heal without any ill effect.
The Actify represents the next wave of orthodontic technology, using the body’s natural biological responses to give patients excellent results more quickly than was ever before possible.
Actify Ortho Drill (Sold 3 per pack)
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