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4 Ways Strauss Diamond Can Make IPR a Breeze

IPR is an acronym for interproximal reduction, commonly referred to as teeth shaving or tooth stripping. It is a treatment procedure that involves creating tiny spaces between the teeth to help them align better. When an orthodontist requires some space for tooth alignment, they choose to remove some enamel from your outer tooth surface. The procedure is used with other tooth alignment procedures like braces or Invisalign retainers.

How Does IPR Work?

The IPR procedure is performed manually with diamond-coated strips that can either be double-sided or single-sided. Attach the disks to a drill and lead it by hand through the contact area. After identifying the contact area, move the drill back and forth until the tooth is reduced to a standard size. Once this is accomplished, use a sliding gauge to check the size of the reduced teeth and measure the right width and space.

The IPR procedure is not cumbersome. But thankfully it can be done in a few different ways. With the help of Strauss Diamond, below are four ways to make IPR a breeze:

1. IPR With Guided Discs

A single-sided and double-sided Guided Disc helps safely create space between teeth with a slow-speed straight handpiece and safety guard. Make sure your client’s lips and tongues are retracted before you begin using the Guided Discs. Confirm you have made contact by lightly pressing the disc against the gum after it has stopped spinning. Confirm again by lightly flossing between teeth.  

2. IPR with Reciprocating Magic Strips

The best way to break the contact point is by using a single-sided reduction to eliminate tiny enamel from one proximal surface of the tooth. Reciprocating Magic Strips provides the flexibility that diamond and carbide burs can’t and the reciprocating handpiece makes IPR work and contouring easy. 


3. IPR with Magic Strip

With the Magic Strip, slowly saw back and forth to widen the contact until the Magic Strip can easily fit between the teeth Unlike other strips that rely on constant squeezing to maintain the desired curvature, our Magic Strips feature an adjustable handle to lock curvatures into place for maximal precision, maximal patient safety, and minimal fatigue.

4. IPR with Burs

The special HBN plating method on our burs ensures an even homogenized diamond surface. The mix of diamond grits offers the best possible reduction in tooth preparation procedures. The Strauss bur advantage is the optimum grinding performance with minimal heat and vibration and less wear and tear on the turbine. 

Benefits of IPR Teeth Procedure

The procedure is often incorporated with other treatments to help coax the teeth into the right position. Well-positioned teeth help the patient chew food properly, enhance speech clarity, and keep the teeth healthier and cleaner. On the other side, crooked teeth lead to jaw misalignment, leading to headaches, shoulder pain, and neck pain.

Increasing space between the patient’s teeth will have positive effects on their oral health. It reduces the chances of bacteria infesting the mouth and lessens issues related to cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, and endocarditis.

Interproximal reduction may sound like a complex procedure, but it is a routine treatment for orthodontists to improve other crowded teeth treatment procedures like braces and Invisalign. In addition, with the increased number of patients seeking teeth straightening treatment, this method is evolving and becoming a popular alternative to brackets and archwires.

Ways to Make IPR a Breeze - Infographic

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