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Clinical Use of Strauss’s Degranulation Bur

When performing dental procedures, a practitioner must do precise work in a small space. For this reason, rotating burs are the tools of choice in dental offices. Depending on the type of head, the bur can debride soft tissue, grind teeth for crown preparation, or cut into bone. The variety of shapes and sizes of Strauss Diamond burs give dental professionals a tool for every mouth and procedure.

Preparing the Procedure Area: Strauss Degranulation Burs

Dental patients most frequently encounter dentistry above the gum line. They are accustomed to the scraping and drilling tools of regular cleanings and fillings. However, the most involved dental procedures involve working in the area below the gums. For tasks like root canals and implants, dental professionals must remove soft tissue to access and prepare the procedure area.

Degranulation burs handle this process with greater efficiency than a traditional surgical curette. Strauss Diamond degranulation burs come in four sizes from 1 to 3.5 mm. A larger head allows for faster initial preparation. Smaller heads offer increased precision in more sensitive areas.

Strauss manufactures its burs from stainless steel with a diamond coating. Their effective design provides clean soft tissue removal without damaging the underlying bone. For the patient’s comfort, these burs do not require much pressure to be effective. A light touch and constant motion are everything necessary to clear away the procedure area.

Degranulation burs are essential implements for every dental practice. Precise soft tissue removal will improve many dental procedures.

Endodontic Procedures

Endodontic procedures can save a tooth from extraction. However, any dental work that accesses the root of a tooth will require the removal of soft tissue. A degranulation bur will play a role in preparing the access site and removing inflamed tissue.

Root Canal

Root canal. Just saying these words can make a patient nervous. In this familiar endodontic procedure, the dental practitioner removes infected pulp to relieve pain. Advanced cases may require the removal of abscesses around the root. A combination of degranulation and endodontic access burs will minimize the invasiveness of the procedure and long-term discomfort for the patient.


An apicoectomy is sometimes necessary when an initial root canal procedure does not handle the inflammation and infection at the root. Before the removal of the end of the root, the dental professional must remove any infected soft tissue. A degranulation bur accomplishes this task cleanly and quickly.

Periodontal Procedures

Gum disease is a chronic problem in the dental industry. Infected gums can be painful and affect a patient’s quality of life. Without proper treatment, the affected gums may separate from the teeth, leading to tooth loss or the need for extractions. Periodontal procedures involve treating the gums for disease and other issues.

Strauss degranulation burs are the right tools for these situations. In periodontal procedures, the dental professional must work with the soft tissues without causing damage to the teeth or bone. Strauss degranulation burs provide the precision necessary for positive outcomes.


Removing diseased gum tissue is a helpful treatment when the infection has not entered the underlying bone. For the dental professional, the goal is to remove the infected area while preserving healthy tissue. Working the site with a degranulation bur will guarantee that no infected tissue remains in place.

Soft Tissue Impaction Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a rite of passage for many young people. Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create food traps that lead to infections. Degranulation of the soft tissue gives the dentist or surgeon easier access to the troubling tooth. If there is a local infection, a degranulation bur is the proper tool to clean the area after the extraction. Taking this step can improve patient recovery times as well as lessen their discomfort.

Crown Lengthening

Degranulation is an essential part of a crown lengthening procedure. In many cases, dental professionals carry out this periodontal process for aesthetic purposes. However, it also has practical applications for reaching tooth decay below the gum line or preparing a tooth for a dental crown. A degranulation bur with a small head will provide a clear restorative margin.

Degranulation Burs in Implantology

Dental implant procedures require several different burs for successful patient outcomes. A typical implant involves the removal of both soft tissue and bone. With proper use, Strauss degranulation burs do not affect the bone, so are safe to use in the implant area.

Tissue removal improves implant procedures because it encourages hemostasis. With less bleeding, it is easier for the dental professional to assess the implant site. A clear field of view improves the accuracy of implant placement.

A Wide Range of Quality Dental Tools

Strauss Diamond dental burs are the tools dental professionals need for consistent performance. Their degranulation burs come in packs of three so that dental offices will always have clean tools on hand. The Strauss Degranulation Kit provides a convenient case for easy access to several burs during a procedure. Dental professionals and their patients will both benefit from the use of well-designed Strauss dental tools.

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